​​Simply Human
Shop Simply Human hair
This fine, pure hair is 100% unprocessed hair in natural black and brown colors. There are no fibers, no synthetic hair, no acid washing or chemical processing. The hair has a well-constructed double weft to ensure no shedding. The cuticle is aligned to ensure no tangling and allow the hair to last. This hair comes in straight, deep wave and natural wave textures. The bundles are 4 ounces (oz).
This versatile hair is also 100% unprocessed hair in natural black and brown colors. There are no fibers, no synthetic hair, no acid washing or chemical processing. The hair has a well-constructed double weft to ensure no shedding. The cuticle is aligned to ensure no tangling and allow the hair to last. This hair comes in natural straight, body wave and curly. The bundles are also 4 ounces (oz). This hair is meant to be styled. Straighten it, curl it, it’s your choice. For defined waves, this collection should be your choice.
This collection is 100% unprocessed Malaysian Hair. This soft, bouncy, hair will add versatility to your style allowing those wanting a more nature look to have a more natural blend. You can now get rid of the heat and protect your natural hair. This collection comes in various lengths.
Our Sewless Collection allows you to have longer and thicker hair in minutes. Our extensions our easy to apply, damage free and low in maintenance. Mostly they are great for changing up your look on the fly. The Sewless Collection comes in varying lengths and a durable clip to last awhile.
Comes in 3 lengths.